Heavy is the Crown is a Kindle Vella Story that follows a female protagonist, Evanora, who's been locked in an insane asylum. After escaping, she runs into the surrounding wood and stumbles upon a lifeless century-old tree with a nightmarish and ominous lore attached. It's rumored to allegedly take anyone who falls down its hole to Hell. Realizing there's no other way to escape her horrific life, the protagonist willingly goes down the hole and ends up in the furthest pits of Hell.
This series follows Evanora as she learns of her prophetic destiny and how that ties her to the Prince of Hell and the demons he commands.
This series is a Dark Fantasy Historical Romance and is currently in production.
This story is a Work in Progress.
Trigger Warnings
The following depict content you'll find in each of the books of the Nightbane Series.
Please note, some of these are only mentions and not actual depictions.
Physical Abuse
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Assault
Sexually Explicit Scenes
Suicide Attempt
Emotional Abuse
Heterosexual Intercourse
Homosexual Intercourse
Mental Abuse
Mental Health Disorders
*This list is a work in progress*
Fan Art
I'm so eternally grateful that my readers would even think to take a portion of my tale and turn it into some beautiful art and allow others to not only remember the scenes but bask in its memory. Below are drawings, paintings, charactures, stick figures, etc. crafted by some amazing readers and fans.
Each piece of art is credited and some may even be linked to the artist's shop if they're selling it, so keep an eye out for that!
None at this Time